Thursday, October 27, 2011


Ya, you read that right. Kayla's officially crawling now.

Luckily the baby gate I ordered through Sears was available for pick-up today, so Jon quickly installed it this afternoon.

It seemed like all she needed was a week and a half of creeping for her to figure out that going on her hands and knees is much better.

Not only did she (officially) start crawling today, but she also mastered crawling up my parents' two steps from the family room to the kitchen - by herself. All she needed was Jason's laptop cord at the top to serve as a little incentive to do it. Should be interesting to see if she remembers how to do it and tries it again.

I'm hoping Matthew learns something new soon. I want to post (read: brag) about him too! He just continues to be content playing with his toys. He is full of giggles; I often call him my "goofy boy". I was reading him "Where's My Bear?" yesterday, and every time I got close to the "Sneak-a-peak-a-boo!" part he burst out laughing. It was great. He's so easy to please. He even lets me pick the boogers from his nose :)

We've taken a little break from the prunes. Yesterday they had two poo-namis, both in disposable diapers at least. But today...there was was a total of three poo-namis...all of which were in cloth diapers. GROSS. Bolding and adding caps doesn't even do it justice. The swooshing in the toilet was the gross part. YUCK.

Matthew and Kayla have now moved to having their morning (and afternoon or evening, if there was a poonami) baths in the 'big' bathtub. No more baby tub. A little more work for me, but more fun for them. Both Matthew and Kayla dislike laying down in the tub, they both get close to panicking each time I lay them down. Guess they have to get used to it. Speaking of the tub, Kayla stood up against the edge while I was busy changing Matthew (no, I didn't leave her there alone, I was on the floor beside the tub).

And she pulls herself up on toys.

And she pulls herself up on coffee tables.

And she pulled herself up on my parents' couch this evening.

What's next, walking? (Please no. Wait a little. Let Matthew catch up!)

Anyways, this was supposed to be a quick post. I'm going to post it, but hopefully I'll add pictures to it yet so keep checking back!

P.S. Gotta love the bum in the air shots!

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