Thursday, January 12, 2012

In our Bedroom

This past month, if you were to walk into our bedroom on any given night, you wouldn't be shocked too see an extra body lying right in the middle of the bed.

Well, it's not that bad.  It's not like Matthew or Kayla are in there every night...but at least once a week someone is.

It's usually Matthew.  In December he had quite a few nights where he would wake up at 10pm and be super wide awake.  We'd try to lay him back in his crib when we went to bed, but he would cry the saddest cry ever.  It tugged at the strings of my heart...and so into our bed he came.  Jon doesn't like to share his side of the bed, so I moved over to the very edge of the bed and gave Matthew my share.  And eventually, after squirming around for a while, he would fall asleep.  And then I would fall asleep, teetering on the edge of our bed.

Last night, it was Kayla.  She hadn't been napping very well during the day...only napping for 30 minutes at most at any it didn't surprise me when she woke up shortly after she was put to bed.  She didn't wake up with her usual whimpering/crying though...she was screaming shrieking, as if she was being tormented and in pain.  So out she came.  She wouldn't settle down with Jon at all, so he quickly gave her to me (yes, he has overcome his dislike jealousy of how our children usually favour my cuddles over his when they are upset) and she settled down and cuddled.  She felt warm, so I took her temperature and she had a slight fever, so I gave her some Tylenol and back to bed she went, and back to sleep she went.  30 minutes later the same thing happened.  So out she came, more cuddles, and back to bed.  30 minutes later the same thing.  This time, at least, she slept until 5:15am, when she woke up shrieking again.  I quickly took her out of her room for fear of waking Matthew, and brought her to bed with me.  She quickly fell asleep in my arms, and so I transferred her to the middle of our bed, and moved over to the edge myself, and we slept.

I really enjoy these moments, knowing that you're the person that they need for cuddles and to feel safe and secure.  I love waking up in the morning seeing them right beside me, hearing them breathe, and getting whiffs of wet diaper as the fan blows the air past them and into my face (!).  One day, sadly, they'll be too old for this, so for now, I enjoy every minute of it.

1 comment:

  1. Watching your kids sleep is the best. Suddenly they look so sweet and innocent and all is right with the world again. Until they wake up....JK! :)
