Thursday, April 25, 2013

16 Weeks

I wish I had something exciting to say, but I don't.  I'm 16 weeks, which in and of itself is exciting because I'm starting (yes, just starting now) to feel more confident that I won't lose this one.  I'm still trying not to think too far ahead in case something were to go wrong, but I just enjoy every day that I am pregnant.  I'll be glad when I definitely 'look' pregnant, and people stop staring and taking double glances trying to figure out if I've just eaten a little too much lately or if indeed I am pregnant again.

Matthew and Kayla both mention 'baby' all day long.  They both like to pat my tummy (or my boobs) and say "baby", to which I just smile and agree.  I'm not going to try to teach female anatomy to two-year-olds.  Kayla also likes to lay her head down on my tummy and hug it.  Oh man, this little mommy's girl could be in for a huge awakening when she realizes she'll have to share me not just with Matthew, but with Baby Struik too.  Or maybe she'll be really good about it.  We'll see.

I always told Jon that once I'm three months pregnant then we could start looking at buying a house (because with just two kids, it made more financial sense for us to continue to rent the place we're in).  Jon gets claustrophobic just thinking about adding another body to this place, so we're starting the process.  Our mortgage pre-approval application will be sent off tomorrow, and then it's a matter of finding out what we get pre-approved for and getting a Realtor   It's quite stressful...trying to figure out how much we need for a down payment, how much we can afford if I don't return to work, or how much we could afford if we had a basement suite to rent out etc.  Even though I'm a numbers person, I really dislike dealing with my own financial numbers.  Yuck.  I need someone to make all of the decisions for me because I don't enjoy this.  Not yet, at least.  Once we figure out what we want to spend then maybe it will be more enjoyable.  Well, only if Jon and I can agree easily...hmm...that could be interesting.

Anyways, 16 weeks gone...24 to go.  I really love being pregnant, so I'm looking forward to the next 24 weeks.  Really looking forward to feeling some good hard kicks, and then having another ultrasound done.


  1. Oh a new house so exciting! And stressful yes haha. We bought our townhouse when I was about 6 months pregnant with Noah. The stress gave me emotional meltdowns but moving day was a cinch cause I wasn't allowed to lift anything ;)

  2. Looking good! And happy house hunting! Langley's a nice place to live:)
