Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spring Break is OVER!

And you know what?  I'm SO SO SO glad.  It was a crazy two weeks.  The first week was consumed with birthday parties and then recuperating from said birthday parties and work, and the second week was consumed with me working and Jon home with the kids.  It was nice that Jon could watch them because Matthew and Kayla got more comfortable with Jon doing things, and Jon enjoyed spending one-on-one time with them (that is, time without me around), and got a glimpse of what my life is like.  Unfortunately, when Jon stays home he doesn't clean up after him and the kids, so I would come home to a disaster of a house.  Anyways, waking up this morning to a 'normal' day for us was so exciting.  We've just done our usual routine...breakfast, baths, Super Why while I shower, play, lunch, play, etc.  Meanwhile, I got to get a few things done around the house to start straightening it up again.  I feel so much happier when my house is organized.  Love it.
And here are a few photos from around 12:30pm today.  Thought I would try to take advantage of our sun-less (and thus shadow-less) day.  My Mom is dying for some decent pictures of Matthew and Kayla to display on her mantle, so every opportunity I get I try.  These turned out alright!

Matthew and Kayla asked to both sleep on Jon's and my bed today for their nap, so I agreed...but warned them that if I heard any talking or jumping then they would be moved to their cribs.  And you know what?  I didn't hear a peep!