Thursday, April 18, 2013

First Kicks - 15 weeks and 1 day

I felt it!!  I suspected on Tuesday night (14weeks 6 days) that I 'felt' Baby Struik in my stomach while lying in bed.  Yesterday and today my suspicion was confirmed as I could feel movements being was almost like a rolling feeling.  Then, this afternoon, Matthew was laying on the couch with  his head on my lap while I stroked his back.  I thought I felt a few faint kicks inside (sibling rivalry already?) and so I kept concentrating on it to figure out if it was my imagination or not.  It's so weird this time, because with Matthew and Kayla I could feel it on the outside of my stomach right away.  This time, I could only feel it inside me, which require much more concentration.  So exciting though...hopefully I'll be able to feel it every day!  That will calm my nerves even more, and will definitely add to the excitement.

1 comment:

  1. Yaaaay! So exciting. Are you going to find out what you are having before hand? I'm guessing boy!
