Friday, January 3, 2014

2.5 Months Old

I feel like I need to do a mid-month entry about Nathan because he's growing up so quickly.  So quickly.  He now LOVES his playmat, and can spend a good 30 minutes playing under it.  He actually plays with the toys now, swinging his arms at them.  When he's fussing being held on my lap, all I have to do is put him under his playmat and he's instantly happy (most of the time).  I don't remember Matthew and Kayla loving the playmat as much as he does.  Nathan has also started sitting in his Bumbo now, for short periods of time.  As strong as his neck is, sitting in a Bumbo requires a lot of muscle endurance and so I don't want to tire him out in it.  Nathan is very smiley and talkative.  I'd say his three favourite people are Jon, myself, and my Dad.  All any of us have to do is just look at him and he smiles.  He loves the sounds/voices my Dad makes.  Nathan has also almost giggled on a couple occasions, so we know it's going to happen any day now!  He's still not sleeping through the night, which is actually starting to take a toll on me and so I often find myself having a little catnap at some point during the day if I'm just sitting at home.  If I'm out and about then I don't need the nap...but if I'm not doing anything then I definitely do.  Nathan slept for 7 hours before needing his first feed last night (from 9:45pm to 4:45am), so I'm hoping that will also happen tonight.  He's still definitely a two-hour baby during the day!  He drinks his 4-ounce bottle (but doesn't want more) and then almost exactly at the two-hour mark will start fussing for more.  Despite losing about 1/3 of my milk supply due to being sick for 1.5 weeks, I've almost regained it all back again.  Such a struggle it's been to keep up with his needs, which is completely opposite than with Matthew and Kayla where I had extra all the time!  Nathan loves his car seat.  If he's tired, all I have to do is put him in his car seat and he falls asleep.  As tempting as that is to do during the day, I don't.  I'll only put him in there to fall asleep if I know we're going to be leaving the house shortly.

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