Tuesday, May 5, 2015

28 Weeks

I think I've hit my 'favourite' part of pregnancy.  I actually look pregnant and not just chubby, and Miss Baby Struik is moving around a fair bit.  A couple weeks ago I asked my doctor if I should be concerned that I wasn't feeling strong movements all day long, to which she replied that as long as I'm feeling movement on a daily basis, I shouldn't worry about it and that at 28 weeks the movement will pick up.  Boy, has it ever!  Yesterday, while I sat at work all day, Miss Baby Struik wouldn't leave me alone.  As soon as the kids were in bed I put on comfy clothes and just laid on the couch, with a sore inner-stomach.

My weight gain to date is now at 26 lbs...still just below a pound a week.

Matthew and Kayla have both definitely felt Miss Baby Struik kicking.  Matthew is definitely more into it, he likes to put his hand on my stomach and lightly push on it to stir Miss Baby Struik so that he can feel her retaliate by kicking.  The first time he felt her kick his eyes lit up, it was priceless.  Kayla's more indifferent to it all.  It's very interesting too see how they interact with their new cousin Emma too - Matthew is way  more motherly than Kayla is.  Nathan is just obsessed with Emma...especially pointing out where her nose and eyes are.  He absolutely loves her.  It will be neat to see him with his own baby sister.

Twelve weeks (+ two weeks because I'm counting on being overdue) to go!  I think once we finish our first camping trip in June the rest of the pregnancy will fly by.  I'm about fifty hours away from having enough insurable hours to qualify for a maternity leave again, so I'll be happy when that's finally done.  The plan is to work until July 1 at a minimum - we'll see what happens after that.

1 comment:

  1. You're looking so cute!! I hope you have a comfy bed for camping! :)
