Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Olivia is 10 Months Old!

At ten months old, Olivia weighs 21 lb.  She is comfortably wearing size 12-18 month clothes and size 4 shoes.

Olivia is really learning how to walk.  Everything is dependent on her mood, though.  When she wants to practice, then she will.  When she doesn't, then she crumples to the ground so that she can crawl.  When she is in the mood then she can easily take five or six well-balanced steps.  (June 12 update: She took 23 steps today, from our stairs to the couch in our toy room!)

She has gotten a lot more giggly this past month, which is cute.  Tickling her neck/collarbones produces the most giggles.

She never wakes up crying in the morning.  When she first wakes up she sits up, and then starts talking.  The longer you wait to get her, the more she talks.

Olivia loves her soother, but she really only uses it for falling asleep.  When she's not sleeping it's on the counter and it typically only gets used if she's getting grumpy and I'm busy and can't play with her.

She LOVES being outside.  If I'm carrying her or walking with her and walk towards the door as if we are going outside, but change directions at the last second she gets angry.  And when she gets angry, she screams/screeches.

Olivia does not like the church nursery, and let's everyone know it by crying on-and-off practically the whole time.

I've been weaning Olivia off of formula and onto homogenized milk.  Right now, she's at 75% homo / 25% formula.  I'll stick with this until the formula I have in stock is gone (a couple weeks), and then she'll be 100% homo.

Olivia's Schedule:
7:15am Awake
8:00am Breakfast (typically yogurt and cheerios)
9:30/10:00am Bottle (6oz) and then nap
10:30/11:00am Awake & Snack
12:00pm Lunch (crackers with cheese whiz, bread)
12:30/1:00pm Bottle (6oz) and then nap
2:30pm Awake & Snack
5:00pm Dinner
7:30pm Bottle (8oz) and then bed
12:30am Bottle (6oz) and straight back to bed

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