Sunday, July 3, 2016

Nathan is 32 Months Old!

Oh, Nathan.  You are so cute, yet you are so frustrating.

The most exciting news first:  You've learned how to ride a two-wheeler!  You've just learned how to start yourself, but I would still like to practice that more before assuming you can always do it.  Now you just have to learn how to use your pedal brakes rather than stopping with your feet!

Potty training is still an on-going thing.  I think it's myself that is trained to get you on the toilet at regular intervals, because if I don't, then you pee in your underwear.  Correction, you pee in your pull-up.  I gave up on having you wear underwear because you were having far too many accidents and it was stressing me out.  Now, if (when) you do have an accident it's not a big clean-up deal for me.  You are not even close to being poo-trained.  It doesn't even bother you when you've gone in your pull-up.  You don't even stop playing to do it!  I've tried to think of ways to convince you to at least tell me when you've gone but I haven't been successful of finding one yet.  You are so different than Matthew and Kayla!  On the bright side, when asked/told to, you are very independent at going to the bathroom.  You only use a toilet now, too.

Other than being frustrating with toilet training, you are a fantastic kid.  You love to make people laugh by teasing them.  You say things like:

"You're the best day ever, Mom!"
"You're the best little boy ever, Mom!"  (Because I always tell him he is my best little boy.)
"I'm sorry...I'm being Jackson, Mom."  (Said to make fun of his cousin who is super polite.)
"Grandma's the best!"  (Because he knows that I give him a hard time for not saying me!)

You love to sing, especially your ABCs.

You like demand to be fed by me (ie. I put your food in your mouth for you), but are fully capable of doing it yourself because you usually take over half-way through the meal.

With the hot weather and busy days spent outside, you often fall asleep in the car on our drive home in the afternoon.  Once a week you'll continue to sleep on the couch for a bit, but either way, you always ask for a sippy cup of apple juice to drink before you get off and play.  It's like when you napped: you always had a sippy cup of apple juice as soon as you woke up.

If you wake up in the middle of the night you like for me to lay in your bed with you.  You even have an extra pillow on your bed, just for me.

You love to give me hugs and kisses.  Every single time I pull up your pull-up you hug and kiss me.  Every. Single. Time.  I hope you don't outgrow it!

When you smile, your eyes twinkle/shine.  I can't help but not smile when you are smiling.

You have a great relationship with Matthew and Kayla.  Considering you guys make for an odd-numbered group, you usually play very well together.  You even are given the chance to lead the play, too.  Your favourite thing to play right now is 'Babies'.  Matthew is the "Dada", Kayla is the "Mama" and you are "Baby".  You also love Olivia, dearly.  You often are in her bubble which drives her bonkers (and so it's drives me bonkers, too!), but you mean well and that's what matters.

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