Saturday, October 22, 2016

Nathan is 3!

At three years old you weigh 38.2lbs and are 40.5" tall.  You are growing out of your size 4 clothes and so I have to pull out the box of size 5 some time and see what's in there.  You are wearing size 9 shoes, but that's only because Matthew still has the size 10 ones.  You wear size 9 boots.

You can be such an incredible, smart, outgoing, mature three-year-old that at times I think you are older than three, but then you can be such a pain in the butt with big attitude and a whole lot of stubbornness that I realize you are actually three.  :)

You are smart.  When you want to learn something, you absorb it like a sponge.  You know how to spell and WRITE your name.  As you write each letter, you say the steps that I said when I taught you how to form each letter.  It's really cute.  It seems like you will be right-handed.

Puzzles are a breeze for you.  You have no problem doing 24-piece puzzles, and have even done a 35-piece one.  It won't be long before you start playing Uno and Go Fish with your siblings.

You enjoy singing!  You like to sing while you play, whether it be "Let it Go" while you play with the princesses from Frozen or the theme song from Jake and the Neverland Pirates while you play with your Jake figurine.  You also will do all of the actions from nursery-rhyme songs.

Your favourite toys are Kayla's princess figurines and your new Jake and the Neverland Pirates boat and figurines.

You are best friends with Matthew and Kayla, but you are also best friends with Olivia.  I think you call her "Trouble" more often than you call her "Olivia".

You shed a few tears on your first day of Children's Church (Sunday School) because you didn't want me to leave, but you got over it and now you are very confident and participate fully whether it be in your preschool class or the big group time with all of the other kids.  You aren't intimidated by the older kids and answer any question asked by the leader that you think you know the answer to.

You started swimming lessons this past September.  Yikes.  The first day you kicked and screamed.  I stood by the edge of the pool and passed you to the teacher and told her I was okay with her forcing you to participate as long as she was comfortable to do so.  I tried to bribe you, but that didn't help.  The next session you still cried, and so I stood by the edge with my keys in my hands and told you if you climbed out of the pool I was going to drive away and leave you there.  It worked - you stayed in the pool.  You still cried, but you didn't try to climb out.  The third day you only shed a couple tears at the beginning and then were fine the rest of the time.  Since then, you are the most enthusiastic member of the class.  You are becoming quite a fish in the water, not scared to put your face in the water.

Your favourite food for dinner is rice.  You would eat white rice plain, if I let you.  You prefer to be fed, but most of the time I force you to feed yourself, which results in a lot of refusing and tears and threats.  You are affectionately called my "Banana Boy" because you ask for a banana ALL THE TIME.  One day I told you that you couldn't have a second one because you had already had one that morning, but you could have one "tomorrow."  The next morning, you woke up and asked right away, "Is it tomorrow, Mom?"  I said, "Yes," and so you said, "So then I can have a banana, right?"

You have an insane amount of love for me.  I am your favourite person in the entire world.  If you are upset, the only person you want is me.  Sometimes, if you aren't listening or responding to me, then I'll threaten to have Jon take over and then you right away snap out of whatever mood you are in and start listening and responding.  You often can be heard saying, "I want Mom!"  I enjoy the cuddles I get from you when we rock on the cuddling chair to help calm you down when you're throwing a tantrum.

Even though you can be so so so stubborn, you do hold a special place in my heart.  Maybe it's because you always want me, or maybe it's because for a few years I thought you might be our last child.  You are a special little boy who is growing up far too fast for my liking.

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