Sunday, October 16, 2016

Olivia is 14 Months Old!

Olivia, Olivia, Olivia.  You are growing into such a fun little toddler.  Most days I'm completely smitten with you!  You have learned to go with the flow, and you let us know when you're not happy.  You may be small and fun to be with, but you don't let us overlook you.

You are learning to communicate and it's so impressive.  You know exactly how to get what you want.  If it's on the counter, you stand right beside the counter at the spot and reach up, opening and closing your hands.  You especially like to stand and reach to ask for your soother, which is always kept in the same spot on the counter.

You love it when your siblings play the "Put your hands up if..." game while eating their meal; as soon as you hear, "Put your hands up!" you put both of your hands up.

You run to the microwave as soon as you hear it on, always assuming that it means your bottle is being heated up.

You have become much better at eating your breakfast and lunch.  You are starting to understand logic, which has helped.  "Eat one bite of your bread and then you can have a bite of fruit."  You also understand when someone gives you a cookie or a candy and asks you to bring it to me to help you with it.  You don't even try to take a bite until you've reached me.

You love shoes.  When I tell you to get your shoes so we can go, you run (yes, run!) to your shoe bin and grab a matching pair...usually your pink crocs.

You also have an obsession with Matthew and Kayla's underwear.  Weird, I know.  Whenever they have a pair laying around (either clean or dirty), you manage to find it and walk around with it (sometimes on your head!).

You learned how to give high-fives.

You are not scared to go down any size slide.  If there's no one to help you, then you go down on your tummy, feet first.

You have discovered your love of books.  You like to sit and point to things and babble.  Yes, you are really starting to babble lots now!  It's really cute!  Your first word was "Mom"!  Whenever you need me and I'm not in the room, you yell "Mom! Ma!  Mom!".  Very cute.

You love any kind of bouncy ball, and will pass it when asked.

You love any doll that has a bald head.  If the doll has hair, you want nothing to do with it.

You are great at having your teeth brushed.  You sit on the counter and patiently wait while I brush the top and bottom teeth.

You get really excited when you see your cousin Emma's house, or when Emma comes to visit Grandma's house, too.  You get really shy when Grandpa tries to talk to you.

You have adjusted really easily to having only one nap a day.  You go down any time between 12 and 1, and typically sleep for two hours.

You get really excited when Jon comes home from work.  You run to him to give him a hug.  Likewise, you get really excited when your siblings get home if you haven't been with them.  Kayla is definitely your favourite, though, because she pays so much attention to you.  She is the first one to help you if you need help.  That being said, she's also the first one to remove you from a situation if you're being annoying to them :).

You weigh 23.6 lb and are 31.5" tall.  You are quickly outgrowing your 12-18 month clothes.  I nearly died the other night when I put a 2T fleece sleeper on you and it actually fit quite nicely... I was expecting you to drown in it!

Olivia, stop growing up!!  You're supposed to be my baby forever, remember? :)

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