Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Potty Training - Kayla - Days 5-6

Day 5 was quite a success.  We went to No Frills in the morning in big-girl underwear, and successfully made it through the morning and early afternoon with no accidents.  And then came the post-nap pee.  Kayla woke up on the wrong side of the bed, because after she woke up I tried to put her on the potty (as per our routine) so that she could pee and then go back into big-girl underwear.  Well, she refused to sit on the potty, and she refused to wear her underwear.  She wanted to wear her diaper.  I didn't give in to her, so she was left standing in the middle of the kitchen half-naked, crying and screaming out of anger.  And in the middle of her meltdown, she peed.  Boy did I get mad at her.  And she knew I was mad.  And I made her say sorry and she put her underwear on without refusing.  And was fine the rest of the night.

Day 6 was a complete success.  We went to Noah's Ark this morning in big-girl underwear, and even went pee on the toilet there about half-way through (she couldn't go before we had left).  And for the rest of the day, there were no accidents.  Woot woot!

Tomorrow we plan to go out to Abbotsford to visit my cousin Jenine and her boys, in our big-girl underwear.  Hopefully we can stay accident-free again!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go momma! Ill b coming to you for advice in a few months ;)
