Thursday, June 6, 2013

Potty Training - Kayla - Day 1

June 6th came quicker than I expected.  I've been saying for the last couple of months that I would start potty training Kayla on June 6.  It seemed like it would be the best time because my Mom is in Ontario for the week so I'm not working for the week and would have less out-of-the-house activities planned.  So, here we are.  June 6.  And I officially started potty training Kayla today.  Or should I say...potty training myself today.  I've realized that the success of this training depends on how closely I watch/monitor her and the clock.

Today was definitely a success.  We started the morning off with a pee on the potty as soon as she woke up (her overnight diaper practically dry), and then into 'big girl underwear' she went.  We watched about 10 minutes of cartoons, and then had breakfast, and then had another pee on the potty about an hour after that.  "This is going to be easy" were my initial thoughts.  And then the morning continued...and the clock ticked ever so slowly.  I feel like I asked her every 10 minutes, "Do you have to go pee Kayla?"  She must be so sick of that question.  Our first 'accident' happened outside around 10:30, while I was distracted from my nagging by the constant fighting between Matthew and Kayla over who go to hold the hose (side note: it sometimes sucks to always have to share and take turns!).  Kayla was standing there having a meltdown when all of a sudden she peed.  At least it was on the grass so there was little clean-up to do :).

We made it through lunch and nap times just fine, with a few more successes and no more accidents.  The second accident occurred while I was vacuuming in the house with Matthew (I had promised him I would vacuum after his nap) and Kayla was playing on the deck.  I clearly wasn't watching/reminding her, and when I came back to the deck she was standing there in a puddle of pee almost in tears.

Accidents three and four both occurred while I was making dinner (Jon went golfing after school and wouldn't be home until after 8pm in the evening) and thus wasn't concentrating on her either.  I did act a little more disappointed/angry with her to help teach her that it was not okay to pee in her underwear, and I think I got my point across.  She went pee before we headed next door to see if Auntie Candice was home, and then an hour later while playing in the yard by the vegetable garden she started to cross her legs, and said "yes" when I asked her if she had to pee.  I quickly picked her up and ran to the house (the potty was on the patio) while saying over and over "Hold it in!  Don't pee in your underwear", and she managed to hold it in!  I was pretty impressed with that one. we're on to day 2.  Hopefully tomorrow is at least as successful as today was!

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