Thursday, December 5, 2013

Crazy Morning

The nice thing about toddlers is that they can't tell time.  I just put Matthew and Kayla down for a nap 30 minutes earlier than usual.  I think I would have lost my sanity otherwise.

Around 9am Matthew realized that he had to go poo.  We spent a few hours last night running back and forth to the potty trying to convince him to go on the potty, which ended up in half on the floor/half in the potty success.  Apparently there was still more in his system because we spent 2.5 hours this morning running back and forth to the potty every 30 seconds.  I had to feed Nathan, and of course, Matthew decides to go for good.  Kayla came running to me exclaiming that Matthew had pooed and peed on the floor, right outside of the bathroom.  Go figure.  I gave Nathan to Kayla to finish feeding (oh how I appreciate a mature toddler on days like today.  How many people would trust their 2.5 year to feed their 6.5 week old on the couch?) and proceeded to get mad at Matthew and clean up.  Kayla nicely fed him for about 5 minutes, and then was rewarded with a fuzzy peach.

And to top it off, Nathan doesn't like to least, unless he is being held...which, on days like today where you are running back and forth to the bathroom, is not good news.  I just managed to get him to sleep in his crib when I put Matthew and Kayla upstairs for a nap at 12:30pm...but it's 1pm now and he's already awake.  I think he's only slept for 45 minutes total this morning.

At least I got to have a quick shower and change out of my pajamas and write this entry before he woke up.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are one busy momma, taking care of a baby and 2 children age 2 and toilet training a boy (Phew!). Hopefully you got some quiet time today!
