Thursday, December 19, 2013

Two Months Old!

Nathan, although he had a rough start to feeding, is nicely gaining weight now, weighing 15lb 9oz.  He's now starting to wear his 6-9 month clothes, which still baffles me.  I'm so glad he's not my first because we would have never gotten any use out of any of his (what would have been new) smaller-sized clothing.  It's crazy how fast he's growing out of things.  I've never been so busy with packing away one size and pulling out boxes of the next size.

- Has started to go from happy to angry in just seconds.  He's not spoiled at all...

- Really enjoys sitting in his bouncy chair or laying under his play mat.  He doesn't intentionally touch the hanging toys, but loves looking at the.

- Has started to follow people's movements.

- Always has smiles for Jon.  ALWAYS.  I actually don't mind because then Jon doesn't mind to hold him more often, knowing that he's the favourite :).

- Usually does a five hour stretch of sleep when he first goes to bed, and then three hour stretches after that.

- Drinks 4 oz of milk, about 9 times a day.  4 oz is never enough for him, and he usually lets out a cry of anger when he's done.

- Drinks every two hours during the day when he's awake.

- He's very unscheduled.  The days we stay at home he barely naps.  The days we're out and about running errands or at my parents' he'll easily sleep what seems like all morning/afternoon, only waking to be fed.  He seems to typically cat nap throughout the day, and have one longer nap, at any random point.

- Doesn't mind being in his car seat.

- Knows what he wants.  He won't take the soother if it's not what he's fussing for.

- Has amazing neck control.  Pretty soon I'll be able to try him out in the bumbo and exersaucer.

- Is constantly on the receiving end of kisses from Matthew.  Matthew absolutely ADORES him, and is always smothering him with hugs and kisses.  Nathan actually quite enjoys Matthew's company, for the most part.

- Is starting to get watery eyes/tears when he cries.  He doesn't cry very often.  Like, never, actually.  He just fusses enough to get our attention when he is tired or hungry and we either hold him or feed him.  He's actually very easy...just unpredictable.

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