Wednesday, March 19, 2014

5 Months Old

Nathan now weighs 19 lb and wears all of his size 9-12 month clothes.

My baby is no longer a baby.

Nathan has grown up a whole lot this month.  He learned to sit (amazingly well!) and now rolls (back to front) every day.  He LOVES playing with toys, whether it be in his exersaucer, the bouncy chair, sitting on the floor, or jumping in the jolly jumper.  He doesn't like to sit around doing nothing.

His fingers are still always in his mouth.

Unfortunately (for me), Nathan is still not sleeping through the night.  A week ago I started setting a 'goal time' in my head where I would not feed him any earlier than that time...and if he woke up prior to that 'time' he would just have to cry.  And cry he did.  I'm sorry...but waking up at midnight when you just fed at 8pm is not acceptable anymore.  After having a rough couple nights, he is learning (I think).  The past few nights he has woken up at 3:30am.  That's a 7-8 hour stretch, and so I was happy with that and fed him.  I'm hoping he continues these later middle-of-the-night feeds and eventually they get eliminated all-together.

Nathan had his first meal of rice cereal on March 9th.  I never intended to start feeding him solids this early, but I thought maybe it would help fill his tummy more for during the night.  He got the hang of it right away!  Within a couple bites he was already opening his mouth as soon as he saw the spoon approach.

Our Routine (Approximately):
8:00am Wake-Up
9:00am Bath, followed by bottle
9:15am Nap
*Day follows a cycle of 'Eat (4 oz), Awake, Sleep (4 naps a day, about 30-45 minutes)' every 2.5 hours
8:00pm Rice Cereal (1.5 Tbsp)
8:15pm Bottle
8:30pm Bed

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