Monday, March 31, 2014

Big Band-Aids

(I've never been one to do anything with my own hair...but I must admit, now that Kayla actually has hair, it's kinda fun to think of different ways to use the gazillion clips/ponies she wants me to use)

Thursday morning, while loading up the car to go to my Mom's, my foot got caught in one of our driveway bricks and I took a big tumble...along with my pump and Nathan.  Thank goodness Nathan was completely buckled in his car seat because he went flying in the air and landed on his side, completely unfazed.  I ended up with holes in the knee of my pants and a scraped up knee.

Anyways, I noticed this morning that one of the scabs had ripped off, and so it was bleeding a bit.  Matthew and Kayla noticed too and they offered to give me one of their Band-Aids.  Appreciative of their offer and not wanting to hurt their feelings, I agreed.  Kayla said she would give me a big Band-Aid.  They both ran upstairs, and Matthew came down first, with a Cars Band-Aid in hand.

Kayla followed a minute later.  I reached out to grab the Band-Aid from her and she passed me a pantyliner.  "It's a big Band-Aid, Mom."  Too cute.  I told her to bring me a Princess Band-Aid instead, so she ran upstairs to get me one.  When she returned, they both put their Band-Aids on me.  Kayla was studying the pictures, and when looking at the Princess one she gave me, she said, "Snow coming out of her penis" (see picture below).

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