Sunday, August 24, 2014

10 Months Old

Nathan is now 10 months old.  Almost a year...better start planning his birthday cake!  We're getting so close to the end of my maternity leave it makes me sad.  I love getting paid to stay home with the kids!  Oh well, back to work I go!

Anyways - about Nathan:

Nathan weighs 24 lb 6 oz.

This month Nathan has mastered the "butt scoot".  I think it's the cutest thing ever.  We always used to make fun of my brother Jason, and how he didn't crawl, but scooted around on his butt.  Guess who does it now?  Nathan!  Those who can't crawl...come up with something quite funny.  He just sits, wiggles his body/butt, and scoots forward an inch.

Nathan still loves me the most.

When there is something he wants, he stretches out his arm and open and closes his hand multiple times.  (I taught him that!).

He typically only uses his soother at nap/bed time.

Nathan prefers to drink his bottles warmed or at room temperature rather than cold.

He loves walking around furniture.

If you hold his hands to let him walk to where you are sitting on the ground, he continues to walk until he is walking up your body.

Nathan is really aware of the snacks and drinks Matthew and Kayla have.  Don't even think about trying to sneak a juice box...he goes nuts!

His favourite fruit are bananas and frozen blueberries.

His favourite cooked vegetable is corn.

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