Monday, January 26, 2015

15 Months Old

Nathan, you have grown up so much this past month.  You have really started to follow directions such as, "Put this in the garbage," or "Go grab a book," or "Sit Down."  You know that things around the house have their place, and you like to ensure that they are always put in the right spot.  Your favourite thing to do is put the remote control on the shelf by "my couch" and Grandma's remote control on the shelf "by the polar bear."

You have also started really trying to communicate what you want by grunting and pointing.  The only time you start to get really grumpy is between 6pm-7pm, which means you are ready for night-time bottle.  As soon as you've finished drinking your bottle, you're fine again.

You have learned how to step down the two stairs between my parents' kitchen and family room without holding on to anything, and you have learned how to run.  You love running around the kitchen island or up and down the upstairs hallway with Matthew and Kayla.  You LOVE playing with them.  Most of the time, the three of you get along great.  When you feel left out, you start to hit them on the head.  If they are lying on the ground, you take that as an invitation to start to wrestle them.  You love it when they bounce you up and down while they are lying down.

A couple weeks ago you went through a really rough patch with sleeping.  You were waking up once or twice every night, calling, "Mom!  Mom!  Mom!"  Each time I would get out of bed, walk down the hall to your room, made sure you had your soother and were covered with blankets, and went back to bed.  I thought there was no end in sight...however, I noticed last week that your first two molars (on the top) had erupted and all of a sudden, there was no more mid-night wakings.  Thank goodness.  I'm too old to wake up in the middle of the night (haha).

(Sitting on the furnace vent, like Matthew and Kayla always do)

You're quickly outgrowing your 12-18 month clothes and we have really started putting you in 18-24 month clothes.

 You absolutely ADORE Lacey, my parents' dog.  Adore might even be an understatement.  When I take you out of the car when we get to my parents' you race to the gate yelling, "Yace!  Yace!  Yace!"  (The first non-Mommy/Daddy name you know how to say!)  I have to peel you away from the gate to bring you inside.  When we are outside, you try to play with her by throwing her toys for her, but she just ignores you.  You love Auntie Candice's phone because you know her wallpaper is a picture of Lacey.

I often come downstairs in the morning to find you sitting on your Dad's lap, stealing bites of his cereal.  You are a big mooch for food.  When you are wanting a candy, you stand by the counter pointing to the bowl of Halloween candy (can you believe Jon and I haven't eaten all of it yet?  True sign that I crave salty foods when pregnant and not sweet).  You typically are fantastic at mealtime, so long as you can be feeding yourself.  We had a little 'issue' last week when you did not want me to feed you your macaroni and prem.  After throwing food and your fork on the ground twice, I was not going to let you carry on feeding yourself and decided to take over.  You were UPSET!  Because you were so irate, I put you in our crib and explained that when you could eat nicely (from me), you would be allowed out, and left the room.  After a minute I went upstairs and asked you if you were ready to eat nice, to which you nodded yes.  I brought you downstairs but you lost it when I tried to feed back upstairs you went, and I left.  After a minute I asked you if you were ready, and you nodded yes.  I brought you downstairs and sure enough, you finished the rest of your meal being fed by me, eating nicely.  I won that one, buddy :)  Other than that incident, you finish all of your food really quickly and neatly.

1 comment:

  1. I love winning battles :)
    The kids are looking so big!! So cute!
