Friday, March 20, 2015

17 Months Old!

At 17 months old, Nathan weighs 28.2 lb and wears size 18-24 month clothes (typically), size 6 shoes, and size 3 diapers (barely!).  He also:

- Learned how to climb onto our kitchen chairs.

- Always wants to colour, and strongly prefers markers.  He knows exactly where they are kept, and so when he feels like colouring he grabs a piece of paper and the pencil box with the markers, puts them on the kitchen table, and then climbs up to start colouring.  He did colour on the kitchen floor with markers one time...but hasn't done it again since.  I don't necessarily like that he helps himself, but he probably doesn't get as much 'arts and crafts' time as Matthew and Kayla did just because I'm busier with more kids and a larger house.

- Knows how to climb onto my parents' trampoline.  This is quite the feat!  There is a footrest for him to climb onto first, but after that he has to almost jump to get his upper body on, and then he swings his legs up.  It's quite impressive!

- Loves wearing shoes in the house.  He is forever hanging out in the foyer or by the shoe closet, picking out his crocs or boots.  He's even come walking into the kitchen wearing Jon's and my shoes!

- Loves to feed himself.  Also refuses to wear a bib.  I should have pushed the bib thing on him ages ago...I definitely would have to spend less time doing laundry!

- Is super ticklish on his collar bones/by his neck.

- Loves watching his bottle getting warmed up in the microwave.  He holds the nipple while I count down (once it is at 15 seconds).  When the microwave beeps, he says, "Da" (done).

- Says "Daddy" over and over, all the time.

- Does quite well when he is forced to miss his nap time or have it later due to visits/errands/activities I have planned.  He has learned to "go with the flow."

- Is doing better at sleeping through the night.  I think a lot of his middle-of-the-night wakings were due to teething.  He now has 12 teeth.  His 4 molars all came in around the same time, which was also during the span of time that he wasn't sleeping as well during the night.

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