Thursday, February 2, 2012

10 Months Old!

  • loves soft dolls and stuffed animals.  When she sees them, she'll grab them and give them a tight hug.  Her favourites are the dolls my parents brought back with them from Ontario for herself and Matthew, her "baby" - a small OshKosh doll (hand-me down), and "Mr. Monkey" - a monkey with a "Someone from TWU loves me" t-shirt that I had bought Jon my first year at TWU.
  • knows what she wants to eat.  We struggled a little more this past month in getting her to eat dinner, because if she didn't like it there was no way she would eat it.  She loves cheese and prunes, so that's all she had for dinner a couple nights.
  • knows how to spray food out of her mouth if she doesn't like it.  This started out as being cute, but quickly resulted in her getting a little slap tap on the cheek.  She's learned now (I think!).
  • loves being tossed around on the couch and wrestled with.  She squeals in delight!
  • has started getting angry when Matthew tries to take a toy away from her.  She likes to tease him with the toy, and then when he attempts to grab it she gets angry and looks at me to make sure I see what he's doing.
  • enjoys reading the "MOO" book her and Matthew received for Christmas because there are a lot of fuzzy animals to feel and flaps to open.
  • has begun to open and close her first when she wants something.
  • is learning how to wave.
  • loves hard toys that he can chew on.
  • loves knocking down towers of toys.  He's expressionless when he does it...but he must enjoy it because as soon as I have two blocks stacked on top of each other he quickly knocks it down.
  • loves all food (that`s my boy!).  He eats way more than Kayla at every meal.  He will eat anything.
  • loves lying down in the bath and having water dripped on him.  He squeals and splashes around like crazy.
  • has learned how to walk around furniture.  He loves standing by our windows in the living room and walking along them.
  • loves it when you`re "goofy" with him.  I can do a short, but loud, yelp and he`ll burst out laughing.
  • enjoys reading books (yes!).  Unlike Kayla, he can actually sit through a story.  His favourites are: "Where`s My Bear?", "Counting Peas", "Oh Where, Oh Where", and "MOO".
  • smiles for the camera as soon as he hears it turn on.
  • gets scared if you scream out of surprise.  For instance, if something is going to fall off the table and you scream when you notice that he'll burst out crying and will be cautious of you.  
Our typical daily schedule:
7:00am - My "alarm clock" (Matthew) wakes up.  I make them breakfast (rice cereal), get Matthew out of bed, and then wake Kayla up and feed them both.  After breakfast they get a bottle (3oz) and play toys while I eat my breakfast.  Lately, they've been helping me eat my breakfast (peanut butter, jam, and banana sandwich).  The highlight for them is when I let them finish my last swallow of milk.

7:30am - Bath time!

8:00am - Play time

9:00am - Bottle (3 oz) and then nap time.

10:00am - Bottle (3 oz), a few Graduates for snack, and then play time.

11:00am - Lunch (3/4 slice of bread, chunks of cheddar or marble cheese or cheese slice, some sort of fruit, sippy cup with water)

12:00pm - Bottle (3 oz) and then nap time.

1:00pm - Bottle (3 oz), yogourt and/or fruit for snack, and then play time.

3:00pm - Bottle (3 oz) and then nap time.

4:00pm - Bottle (3 oz), some sort of wheat item for snack (Gerber Graduates, Cheerios, Mum Mum), and then play time.

5:15pm - Dinner (Either what we're having, or 12mth baby food mixed with homemade baby food (they aren't fans of plain vegetables anymore, so I'm trying to use up my frozen baby food supply + keep the cost of store-bought baby food down) and prunes, sippy cup with water)

6:00pm - Bath time!

6:30pm - Bottle (2 oz)

6:45pm - Over to my parents' house for a quick visit.

7:30pm - Home again.  Brush teeth and story time, followed by bottle (2 oz).

8:00pm - Bed time!

January 16 - Kayla fell out of the bath tub.  She was standing and watching me change Matthew, but leaned too far over the edge and fell out.  Luckily I was there to catch her!

January 17- Matthew and Kayla shared a sippy cup of chocolate milk with their lunch.  They absolutely LOVED it!  I made them share the same cup, so they had to take turns.  Every time it was their turn they would get super excited.

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