Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Frozen Embryo Transfer

Today was the (potentially) big day.  I'm glad Matthew and Kayla slept until 7:45am this morning because it shortened our morning.  The entire morning I was paranoid that it was Genesis calling to say that the day 3 embryo did not survive the transfer.  I was so worried that I even waited to have my shower until my mom was here, just in case (when) they called.  Thank goodness, by 10:30am when I had to leave for my 11:30 appointment, I had not received a phone call yet.  Yes!  The embryo survived!  Step 1 - success!

Because Jon couldn't really take a day off work (for risk of administration re-starting his teaching days in this position to '0', and then losing the chance of guaranteeing himself a contract next semester), and because I had been through the entire process before, I went alone.  As much as I hate driving, I'm really comfortable with driving through Vancouver to Genesis.  (So comfortable, that one time I didn't realize I had gone through the Massey tunnel until I was out the other side!).  I drank my water as I drove...less water than last time (because last time I was in so much discomfort during the transfer I couldn't even 'enjoy' it).  I didn't have to wait at all in the waiting room, they practically brought me straight to my pre-procedure room.  I got changed into the required skirt, signed the necessary consent forms, and waited.

I had the same doctor that performed my ultrasound last week.  This transfer experience was so much more enjoyable than Matthew and Kayla's!  The doctor was already there waiting for me, so I didn't have to wait with a full bladder for him to show up.  They've added a tv screen to the procedure room so that I could see the embryo in the petri dish.  Unfortunately, I didn't notice the tv screen until they had already sucked the embryo up into the catheter.  Oh well.  The procedure is painless (to me, at least), and really quick.  After the doctor transferred little embryo #3 (who is a 7-cell grade B embryo...Matthew and Kayla were 8-cell and 9-cell grade B embryos), we watched the tv screen as the lab technicians double checked to make sure that the embryo had actually left their catheter by squirting the remaining contents back into the petri dish.  We got the "okay" and then I was allowed to pee and change and go!

Now, I'm resting and slowing getting back into my regular routine, avoiding anything strenuous, as per doctor's orders.  It's definitely difficult to sit on the couch when Matthew and Kayla want me to be picking them up and playing with them all the time, but I guess that will have to be Jon and my Mom's job for now.  Matthew and Kayla definitely seemed whinier than usual tonight, and I'm sure it's because I couldn't be "me" with them.  Luckily, this is only for a couple days and then I can return to a semi-modified routine.

I've done what I've needed to do - now it's up to God and what He wants to happen!

If I haven't gotten my period by December 4th, then I go to LifeLabs for bloodwork, and the nurses will call me on December 5th with the results.  Scary stuff!

P.S.  When I asked the doctor if this procedure would interfere with a possible existing pregnancy he informed me that the estrace I've been taking actually prevents ovulation,  so there is no way I could have been pregnant (not that I thought I was).

1 comment:

  1. SO crazy how this all works! We'll keep you guys in our prayers for good news!!
