Friday, November 2, 2012

Little Big Boy

Matthew had his hair cut for the very first time, by Anita DeVries, my Mom's hair dresser.  Matthew did AMAZING!  He sat on my lap and was so still the entire time.  You could tell by the expression on his face that he was just concentrating on the feeling on his head.

He looks so cute now.  A little more grown up.  My little boy is turning into a big boy quickly.  (Nooooo!).

Going into the haircut I was nervous that shorter hair would bring out his funny head shape...but you know what?  It's the complete opposite!  His head looks WAY better!  I think that because his long hair circled the top of his in a clockwise direction it put more hair on his right side, which is his 'bigger' side.  Now that the hair is evenly dispersed on his head the right side doesn't seems to look as 'big'.

Anyways, it was a big day yesterday...and big days mean that Matthew doesn't want to go to bed :)

So, after initially going to bed at 8pm, jumping a bunch, crying a bunch, and crying a bunch more I took him out and let him play in the kitchen while Jon and I worked.  Half an hour later, I put him to bed and he went to sleep....not for too long though!  Around 4am he woke up again and so I got out and sat in the rocking chair with him and rocked.  After about 15 minutes I figured he was asleep, so I got up to put him back in his crib.  No such luck.  He clung to me so hard that I couldn't possibly put him in his bed (because I didn't want to).  I was exhausted, but figured how often do I get to cuddle?  We moved to the the living room so that I could sit in the recliner and maybe fall asleep while cuddling.  No such luck.  After about 15 minutes I figured he was asleep, so I got up to put him back in his crib.  No such luck.  He clung to me so hard that I couldn't possible put him in his bed (because I didn't want to).  I was exhausted, so I decided to put him in our bed.  I climbed in and put him in the middle.  Nope...he did not want that.  He climbed over to me and laid on top of me and passed out.  Definitely was a little more awkward than when he was a newborn, but it was wonderful, nonetheless.

Love that little big boy.  Kinda wish he would stop getting older.

1 comment:

  1. Aww! He's so sweet! Excited for you guys this month . . .hope it all goes well!
