Thursday, November 22, 2012

Two days down...

...12 more to go.

Sigh.  Why is it that when you want time to go really fast it slows down?  Time is going SO SLOW.

Tuesday I spent most of the day on the couch.

Wednesday I spent most of the day on the couch (working, watching TLC, watching a movie, blog stalking etc.) while my mom watched Matthew and Kayla like she usually does on Wednesdays.

Today I spent most of the day taking it easy.  We stayed home and just played toys all day.

Tomorrow I'm getting out of the house and going to Noah's Ark, like normal.  Yay!  After that, I'll probably take it easy still.

I'm trying to do what the nurse told me last time, with Matthew and Kayla, to "not do anything I would regret" if this doesn't work out.

Matthew is definitely missing me carrying him around...he was holding on to my hands asking me to pick him up to carrying him to and from my parents', but I couldn't.  Oh well, it's only a small blip in their lives.

Jon has been really great...he's really stepped it up and takes care of whatever I need him to.  And my mom too...she's babysits me (I mean, the kids) when Jon's not around :).

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