Monday, November 18, 2013

32 Months Old

- Weighs 27 lb 2 oz
- Can count "One, Two, Free, Four, Se-en, Eight, Nine, Ten!"
- Learned how to blow bubbles in the bathtub tonight
- Marches to the beat of his own drum, especially when it comes to eating.  It is SO frustrating.  He likes almost every food (he still struggles with ground beef and rice), but if he doesn't feel like eating, he eats SO SLOW.  It's painful.  He's often left at the table all by himself because he still hasn't finished eating.
- As soon as Nathan makes a peep, Matthew is off looking for his bottle or soother.  He does not like it when Nathan is crying.
- Loves it when Nathan is awake.  "Eyes open, Mom!"
- Is the leader between him and Kayla when it comes to social interaction.  He's always the first to make a connection with a visitor/guest, and can genuinely laugh when he is having a good time.
- Is really starting to catch up to Kayla with talking.  He still has his own 'lingo' (i.e. putting an 'a' before 'F' and 'S' words), but is stringing more words together each day.
- Asks to hold or feed Nathan once a day.
- Asks every day if his outfit is from Lincoln.
- Favourite cartoons are: Super Why, Bernstein Bears, and Little Bear.
- Loves singing the clean up song followed by praising himself and clapping: "Dean up ev'rybud.  Good dob, Ma!"

- Weighs 29 lb 11 oz
- Is starting to learn how to sing her 'ABCs'
- Loves singing in the car, particularly the 'Pink Purple' song she made up ("Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Pink Purple!") and the 'Kayla' song she made up ("Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Kayla!")
- Calls Matthew 'Ma' 50% of the time, and 'Mah-yew' the other 50% of the time.
- Is a follower between her and Matthew when it comes to social interaction.  She always copies what Matthew is doing if he is laughing hard or getting a big response from the visitor/guest, and because she is only copying, she has a fake laugh.
- Learned how to properly ride her balance bike this past month, and has actually now passed Matthew in ability.  She even did the 'hill' in Phase 1 at the greenhouses under her own initiative.
- Is talking so incredibly well.  She talks all the time in settings she is comfortable in (i.e. at home or at my parents').  The words she uses sometimes are just baffling, and I just wonder how she even learned the word!
- Asks to hold or feed Nathan once a day.
- Is very stubborn when it comes to going to the washroom.  She typically only goes three times a day (morning, afternoon, and evening), so every three or four weeks she'll have an accident because she'll be too stubborn or too busy to take the time to go.  And when she has an accident (like she did today), she cries because she knows it was 'wrong'.
- Asks every day if her outfit is from Annika...and if I say yes, then sometimes she asks if there is 'A.H.' written on the tag (which is how I distinguish Annika's clothes from my own).
- Favourite cartoons are: Super Why, Bernstein Bears, and Little Bear.
- Has become really good at colouring (almost) in the lines.
- Loves dressing and undressing dolls/Barbies.
- Often takes off her socks because her 'feet are warm'
- If she's throwing a fit/crying she'll demand a 'booger cloth' (old receiving blankets we use for blowing their nose when they have colds).

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