Friday, November 1, 2013

Dr. Shah was Right

I wish it weren't so...but he's right - my milk supply is LOW.  It's so strange to me, as I never had any issues with a low supply with Matthew and Kayla.  I'm pumping every three hours right now, and I'm lucky if I pump 3 ounces.  I used to be able to pump 24 ounces in a sitting with Matthew and Kayla!  Thank goodness I have a stash of free samples of formula because that's helping keep Nathan fed right now.  I'm hoping that my frequent pumping in addition to the domperidone which I started this evening will increase my supply...and if it does, maybe I can go back to nursing again?

1 comment:

  1. Oh Laura, I'm really hoping that your supply goes up. Keep at it - your doing well! And he's a big kid to keep topped up, I'm sure, so hopefully your body realizes that, and keeps producing! And if you have to go to formula, then you know you've tried your best. Hope to talk to you soon!
