Monday, November 4, 2013

Another Doctor's Appointment for Nathan

Since our last doctor's appointment on Thursday, I've been pumping for Nathan and then supplementing him with formula, and feeding him every 2-3 hours during the day, and on his own schedule during the night (which is about the same, every 3-ish hours).

Today, we had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Shah so that Nathan could get re-weighed.  He weighed in at 10 lb 8 oz today, so back up to his birth weight!  I was quite pleased with this as it means he gained 14 ounces in 4 days.  Dr. Shah was pleased with his weight gain as well, but still wants to see him in one week for a final weigh-in, before leaving us alone :).  

I've been tracking exactly how much Nathan has been eating every day and how much I've been pumping, so I should be able to see if the domperidone works at all by increasing my supply.  I'm hoping it will!  If I can consistently pump as much in a sitting as Nathan typically eats in one sitting then hopefully I can transition to only breastfeeding.  *Fingers crossed*.  As much as I love bottle feeding, it's definitely more restricting/annoying to always have to consider my pumping schedule.  It's even more annoying when I realize as we're driving home from my parents that I left my pump at their house.  It's not quite as easy to pump and visit them when I don't live next door!  I used to just run home to I have to pack the entire pump up and bring it along, and then remember to bring it home again!

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