Friday, November 29, 2013

Matthew Peed on the Potty!

**There's another new post below this one**

Just the other day I was telling my Mom how I was dreading having to potty train Matthew.  Like, really dreading it.  We've been telling him every time we change his diaper that he should have gone pee/poo on the potty instead of in his diaper, and he just doesn't seem to care.  We've been having a few issues with his cloth diapers not holding his pee and all of a sudden he has completely soaked pants, so I was starting to think that he was probably learning to hold his pee, and then would all of a sudden do a big pee which the cloth diaper couldn't absorb.

Anyways, as I was changing him out of his pajamas this morning I asked him if he wanted to go pee on the potty, like I ask him every morning, but this morning he said yes!  I put him on the potty and a minute later when I went to check on him I couldn't believe my eyes!  He had actually gone pee!  Unfortunately, I had to go shopping this morning (Black Friday shopping at Wal-Mart - where I quite quickly spent over $200) so he had to go back into a diaper, but as soon as we got home he got to wear his "big boy underwear" and has successfully gone three times and has had no accidents.  He's even been the one to initiate the potty use each time!  Knock on wood, but maybe training Matthew won't be so difficult at all?!?!  Matthew was quite upset when I put him into a cloth diaper again for his nap...but seemed to get over it when I told him that Kayla used to have to wear cloth diapers for naps too.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Matthew! How nice it will be for you Laura to only have one child in diapers. Kayla & Matthew are so cute and growing up so fast. Nathan is so adorable! I will have to come visit all of you in the near future, after all you live so close by.
