Monday, November 18, 2013

One Month Old

Ahhhh!  I cannot believe that it's already been one month.  It's absolutely mind-boggling to me.  Where has the time gone?  I think it's because we've been so busy this past month that the days have just flown by.

Despite our rocky second week when we realized that Nathan was not gaining weight, but instead losing weight, we have made huge strides.  Nathan now weighs 12 lb 14 oz - meaning he is gaining a pound a week right now.  And as he should!  He's eating three to four ounces every two to three hours (three if we're lucky!).  Last night he actually went almost four hours for the first time.  He had stirred and woken me up after three hours, but I decided to wait for him to be a little more restless before I fed him and I guess we both fell asleep for a little longer.  Tonight will be the last night he sleeps in the cradle in our room, and then tomorrow night he's in the crib in his own room.  A little more inconvenient for me as I'm spoiled having him right beside me (or in my bed with me!), but I'm hoping that if I don't wake up to his little stirs, then maybe we can start getting some longer stretches at night.  We know he definitely doesn't need the extra feed!

Nathan is my chubby boy.  I love it.  He has outgrown almost all of his three month sleepers and comfortably is fitting into his six month ones.  He is quickly outgrowing his three month clothes now too, so I finally sorted through his six month clothes and organized every type of clothing from smallest to largest so I know which ones to try first (that's my type A personality for you!).

Nathan is very strong.  His neck strength/control is amazing - it's hard to believe he's only one month old.  Tummy time is a breeze for him!  He's starting to occasionally put weight on his legs.

Nathan is pretty generous with his smiles, especially to Jon.  I feel like he'll smile quicker to Jon than to me.

Nathan has pretty regular bowel movements, usually one in the afternoon and maybe one during the night.  He's not very discrete about it, grunting away until he is done.  If it's during the middle of a feed then he starts drinking very messily because apparently he can't do two things at once.

It seems like Nathan may be settling into a routine of having a three to four hour long afternoon nap and then being up until bed time (whenever I go to bed)...but we'll see if that continues.

He likes his soother, but seldom does he actually use it for a long period of time.  If he doesn't want it then there is no way you can make him take it.

Nathan loves his morning bath and loves car rides.

1 comment:

  1. Nathan is such a blessing! Such a perfect baby in height, weight and development. He is adorable.
