Thursday, January 25, 2018

Potty Training Olivia - Day 1

Well, I decided to jump on the "potty train your two-year-old train" and make a serious effort to potty train Olivia.  I had done a couple trial run half-days a couple weeks ago to test her readiness, and she proved that she could potentially be ready because she was fully aware every time she was peeing on the floor.  Today seemed like a good day to start because I don't have to work until next Wednesday and have no official plans between now and then so I have a solid six days to get her trained enough to be babysat by my Mom.

She started out the morning doing her morning pee in her diaper (I would assume).  Her diaper was still dry when we got to the school to drop Matthew and Kayla off, but by the time we had finished saying goodbye to them she had peed in her diaper.  When we got home at 9 we officially started.  We took off the diaper and put on her training underwear and away we went.  I knew she wouldn't have to pee for a while since she had just gone, and so I baked a batch of muffins (a new recipe: zucchini chocolate chip which are insanely good!).  Olivia and Nathan shared a juice box at snack time at 10am and then I started watching her like a hawk.  I think she loved all of the attention from me!

By 10:20am she started feeling that she had to pee because she kept wanting to sit on the potty, and then would stand up, and then would sit down again.  Finally at 12:15pm she did a few squirts of pee on the potty, and then stopped it.  It was a good start!  We had lunch and then I decided to keep her up from her nap because I figured she would have to pee again fairly quickly, and wanted to get that pee in the potty, too.

By 2:05pm she still hadn't gone again, so I put a diaper on her over top of her training underwear in case she peed while we were driving to the school to get the older kids.  Because she hadn't napped, she fell asleep in the car and was still sleeping at 2:40pm when I hopped out of the car to grab Matthew and Kayla.  I had brought the potty with me to put her on it (in the car) at the school, but when I came back to the car at 2:45pm she was awake and had done a little pee in her underwear.

She had juice with her snack at 3:30pm, and then at 3:45pm she let a little pee in her underwear but stopped it and couldn't release the rest of it into the potty.  At 4:00pm she peed on the potty.  She stood up when she realized she was peeing which made a bit of a mess but at least she did a pee on the potty.  At 4:20pm I was pre-occupied helping Jon clean up the basement while Olivia played down there and she did a large pee on the floor.  Not totally her fault because I wasn't watching and I didn't even have a potty down there.  At 4:55pm while I was cooking dinner and Jon was (supposed to be) watching her she peed in her underwear.  Luckily I also had comfy pants on her so there was no mess on the ground.  I saw her go running to the potty on her own but it was too late.  She asked for a tic tac (her reward for peeing on the potty, a tic tac colour of her choice), but I said no because the pee wasn't in the potty and she didn't even complain.  I thought for sure she would!  She must have understood.

From 6:30pm - 7:30pm she made multiple unsuccessful attempts to pee on the potty, but didn't have any accidents.  Finally, at 7:30pm, she did it!  I was glad to get her last pee in the potty.  I put her diaper a pajamas on her and am ready to start again tomorrow.  A good first day, I'd say!

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