Monday, January 29, 2018

Potty Training Olivia - Day 4

So we took yesterday off from potty training.  Having church in the morning and then coffee at my parents' and then Jon's parent's over and then dinner at the church would have made it just far too difficult.  It was a nice break.

We started up again this morning after we got back from school drop-off.  She had done a little pee while at the school, so I knew it wouldn't be a while before she peed again.  She ended up going pee on the potty at 11:45am. 

My Mom stopped by around 12:30pm, so I didn't lay Olivia down for a nap.  At around 1:30pm Olivia started crossing her legs, so I knew she had to go.  I had 45 minutes to get her to pee on the potty or I knew she would pee during school pick-up.  She wasn't able to pee before we had to leave, and then I allowed her to fall asleep in the car on the way to the school to at least give her a little bit of a rest because she hasn't napped for quite a few days now.  When she woke up at 2:40pm she peed in her diaper.  I knew it would happen.

At 5:35pm she willingly sat on the potty with her LeapPad and did pee after about 5 minutes.  This was the first time that she peed while being occupied with the toy.  It was quite interesting because just before she peed she stopped playing and gazed off into outer space, and then she peed.

At 5:45pm she had a nasty diarrhea accident in her underwear and so she needed a bath.  I let her play in the bath until 6:15pm and then put underwear on her again.

It was just minutes after she came downstairs that she peed in her underwear.  AUGH.  I cleaned her up and put new underwear on again.

At 7:15pm all of the kids headed upstairs for bed.  After brushing her teeth and having a small drink of water I put her on the potty "so that she could do her bedtime pee like the other kids."  I left her for 30 seconds to grab a diaper and when I returned she had proudly showed me that she had done pee.  I was thrilled.  Maybe we're making progress?  Slowly, but surely.

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