Sunday, February 17, 2013

Kayla Peed on the Potty!

You would laugh at me right now if you saw how excited I am.  LOL.

I bought some cheap Ikea potties back in the fall, and let Matthew and Kayla play with them around the house so that they would know what a 'potty' is, would know how to sit on them, and would be comfortable with them.  About a month ago I took them away, so that when they did make their appearance again for potty training they would have (hopefully) forgotten that they were originally toys to them.

We've also had many, many, many conversations about peeing in diapers and wearing big kid underwear and peeing in the potty.

The past two weeks Kayla has really shown an understanding of what peeing is.  She definitely understands pooing as it's usually a big ordeal, but she started showing signs of knowing when she's peeing.

It started two weeks ago when she peed on the carpet while she was waiting for me to put her diaper on after her bath.  I didn't get mad at her (because it was my fault for being slow that morning), but definitely told her she was not allowed to pee on the carpet.  A few days later, when Jon was dressing them after their bath, she started whimpering when she stood there in her towel and then peed.  That was my first indication that she knew exactly what she was doing.  

A few days ago, while having her bath, she pointed to her bum and said 'pee'.  I asked her if she wanted to pee on the potty and she said 'ya'.  I quickly hollered for Jon to grab a potty from their closet and he brought it to me.  I put her on it and explained that if she peed in the potty, she would get a candy.  No such luck.  

Since then, she's asked to be on the potty twice, but has had no luck each time.  

That brings us to tonight...

Just as I was putting her in her crib she said she had to poo (which is 100% legit because it's been two days since her last poo and she's made several attempts already today, so I knew it would be happening either today (hopefully) or tomorrow).  I asked her if she wanted to poo on the potty and she said 'ya'.  I pulled her out of her crib, took off her sleeper, opened her undershirt, took off her diaper, and put her on the potty.  I explained that if she pooed or peed she would get a candy.  No more than 20 seconds later she makes a startled noise and points down into the potty, and sure enough, she was peeing!  I was ecstatic!  She chose a tic tac for a candy, and I didn't even make her brush her teeth again. :)

Note:  I have no intention of being 100% serious with potty training her...yet.  I'd like to see how quickly she picks it up herself.  Maybe she'll be super easy.  That would be amazing.  My goal is to have both Matthew and Kayla fully trained by the end of the summer.  I think Kayla will be easy.  Matthew, on the other hand....hmm...probably not so easy.   

1 comment:

  1. That is amazing. It will sure be nice when she trains herself. Good goin' Kayla!
