Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ultrasound #1

After a busy day, I had a lot of cramping last night (7 weeks) and this morning (7 week 1 day), which led to HUGE worrying.  I was stressing about it all night.  I know cramping can be normal, and I had it early with Matthew and Kayla, but after the miscarriage this summer, I was super paranoid.  I chugged back water all evening, which allowed me to pee a lot, which confirmed each time that I was not yet bleeding.  And thank goodness, bleeding never came.  Cramping is fine.  Cramping with bleeding is not.

So, needless to say, I was very glad that I had an ultrasound scheduled for today, to reassure me that things are going well, or to let me know it's not.

AND - things are going great!  Baby Struik is growing right on target, measuring 9.99mm, or 7 weeks.  Perfect.

And I got to see the yolk sac.  And I got to see and hear the heart beat.  Nothing beats the barely-audible 'whoosh-whoosh' sound.  Baby's heart rate was 159 bpm.  Nice and strong :)
The one 'not normal' thing about the ultrasound is that I've developed a cyst on my right ovary.  The doctor said it's a "Corpus Luteum" which developed because I must have ovulated during this cycle. Remember the follicle that was growing when it shouldn't have, that the bloodwork determined would probably not release? Well, it must have released.  The doctor said that the cyst was not an issue, and would disappear on its own.  I googled it, and once the placenta takes over producing progesterone (at the end of the first trimester), then the cyst will shrivel and be absorbed.  Nothing to worry about :)

Now, I've graduated from Genesis (*tear *tear.  I was hoping for a second ultrasound like I got with Matthew and Kayla).  I'm supposed to continue my estrogen and progesterone until I'm 10 weeks, but other than that, things are now a 'normal' pregnancy.  Next up: booking an appointment with my family doctor.


  1. How exciting to see the first picture of your little one. What a miracle! So thankful to God for hearing our prayers! Wishing you continued health & strength Laura!

  2. That's great Laura. It's amazing that baby's heart beat is 159 already. So so precious. Life is such a miracle!

  3. Yay! Glad things are going well :)
