Monday, February 11, 2013


Yes, that's plural.  Time-outs.

And plural to one child.  One sweet, but oh-so-very-strong-willed child.

Can you guess who?


Oh man, she is as stubborn as they get.

She earned her first time-out by putting tiny barbie pieces (shoes, baby rattles, bottles) in her mouth and chewing on them, and then ignoring the request to take them out of her mouth.  I put her in the corner of my parents' family room.  She was NOT happy.  She kept leaving the corner to try to get to Candice for sympathy, only to be put right back there again.

The second time-out was earned by putting the tiny barbie pieces in her mouth AGAIN, despite her first time-out.  She was sent right back to the corner, and even though she was upset she did not leave.

The third time-out was earned probably only 10 minutes after the first two.  She had been colouring with pencil crayons and decided that she wanted to chew the ends.  She ignored my request for her to take them out of her mouth, and so she was sent to the corner.

To top it off, she refused to eat dinner tonight, even when she knew she would not get dessert and watched Matthew eat it in front of her.

Oh man, she is testing me!  Terrible twos, here I come!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh yes, time ours. The first time Noah got them he did the same thing. Went back to doing it fairly quickly. Now he totally understands and sits on the step until I tell him to say sorry to mommy (which for him is just giving me a hug and kiss haha)
