Tuesday, February 5, 2013

We're Pregnant!


We are thrilled...but definitely cautiously so.  So much can happen still.  

But, this is definitely the next step!  Three steps done (1. Embryo surviving thaw, 2. Successful transfer, 3. Positive blood test), but there are still many more to get through!

The one thing that kept me hopeful that this embryo was working was that on Friday, February 1 (11dp5dt) I had cramping at night, as if I were going to get my period.  What's funny is that on the EXACT same day with Matthew and Kayla's cycle I had cramping as well.  That's when I appreciate my blog :)  Other than that one 'symptom', I had  no idea if this worked or not.

I didn't receive my bloodwork results until 3pm, while I was at work.  My beta (hcg) number is 842 mIU/ml.  That's a good number, considering it was only 4 mIU/ml with my last failed embryo transfer cycle :).  This number is supposed to double every 48-72 hours if the pregnancy is going smoothly.  My next bloodwork is on Tuesday, February 12.  Hopefully my number will be good then too!  That would be another step done :). 

Genesis didn't call me yesterday, so I didn't want to update my blog until they had officially confirmed it.  That, and the fact that my boss, who reads my blog, doesn't know (yet).  I'll have to tell her tomorrow, before she finds out from my blog.

I do feel cramping on-and-off tonight...which I'm sure is a good thing, just a sign of my uterus working it's magic.  Hopefully.  Fingers crossed!!

My mom has quickly adopted the 'Laura take it easy...don't do it...I'll do it..." role again.  I definitely don't carry Matthew and Kayla at the same time right now, but I still carry them individually (especially Kayla, who seems to need me to "cay-ee" (carry) her everywhere.  Just hoping that this little embryo has buried deep into my uterus and is hoping to be there for a long time!

On a total side note:  I thought Matthew and Kayla went to sleep amazingly tonight...no crying!  HOWEVER, 15 minutes after laying them down I started to hear laughing...and now, 45 minutes after we laid them down, I hear them talking to each other.  Seriously...these kids are night-owls!  So so so cute though.


  1. Yaaaaay! Been stalking your blog for the news! Congrats guys! Will continue to pray all goes well :)

  2. Congratulations Jon & Laura! So excited for you! Praying that the Lord will continue to bless each new step ahead with a healthy pregnancy!

  3. I'm sitting here with tears of happiness after reading your blog. I know it is a little early to get too excited but I hope and pray the Lord is knitting together the little one into a healthy baby.
