Monday, January 21, 2013

Frozen Embryo Transfer #2

Yes, there was a transfer, so yes, the embryo survived!

I don't really know what to say about this one.  Been there, done that.  Same process as last time.  Nothing new.

My appointment was for 12:15pm, but Genesis was running an hour behind schedule so the nurse kindly allowed me to pee a little to relieve my ever bursting bladder.  

When I was in the procedure room the doctor claimed that she was going to transfer a "beautiful embryo."  I wasn't sure if that was a standard comment to make or if it was actually beautiful, so I asked her.  :).  She said that it was not a standard comment and was indeed beautiful.  The lab technician told me that 95% of the embryo survived the thaw, which is the best they do (I assumed it was all-or-none, but apparently that's not the case.

The doctor and nurse had a little bit of difficulty getting the ultrasound to clearly show my uterus because they said my uterus was tilted back, but eventually got it and saw the embryo transfer.

Success rate is 50-60% for this transfer. I sit and rest.  Jon's supposed to be taking care of me...but he got super sick with whatever I had last week so he's been in bed all day.  Luckily my mom can watch the kids and she offered for us to be over for dinner.

Bloodwork will be done on Monday, February now we wait!!

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