Saturday, October 12, 2013

3 Days Overdue

I'm having a difficult time deciding whether I like being overdue or not.  Strange, isn't it?  Most people seem to hate it!  I, on the other hand, don't necessarily mind at all.  Here are all of my thoughts:

I have typically enjoyed this pregnancy, as I did my pregnancy with Matthew and Kayla.  I seem to have it very easy.  I know that once Baby Struik is born I will miss feeling the kicks/movements.

I wonder if this will be my last pregnancy?  I'm a little more optimistic that maybe this is (somewhat) in Jon's and my control now even though we have no frozen embryos left because we did get pregnant on our own last year...Still...children are expensive!  We definitely won't be doing any more in I guess we'll see what we (and God, ultimately) decides.

It's pretty 'easy' to take care of Matthew and Kayla, and I have a lot of 'me' time.  As soon as Baby Struik arrives, that disappears.

Now, on the other hand, I like to have control and know everything, so to be living day-by-day, hour-by-hour, minute-by-minute wondering if my water is going to break or I'm going to start having contractions is rather annoying.  I wouldn't mind being overdue so long as I knew exactly which day would be 'the day'.  As for now, who knows!

At my doctor's appointment on Thursday my doctor confirmed that Baby Struik is really low...which I can definitely feel.  His/Her head is right on top of my pelvic bone...which actually is awkward when trying to sit cross-legged on the floor because you just can't bend quite right.  Dr. Ng also commented on the fact that all of my weight gain must be 'baby' because I'm super spry still.  Apparently full-term pregnant ladies are a little awkward.

I've also been given my appointment time for fetal monitoring (non-stress test) and an ultrasound at the Jim Pattison Outpatient Centre for Tuesday at 10:15am.  The hour-long appointment will determine if Baby Struik is okay to remain in-utero for a few more days.  If not, then induction plans are made immediately.  Not necessarily will I make it to Tuesday...but if I do, who would have ever imagined that I would be doing fetal monitoring again (like I did with Matthew and Kayla) - not me!  Might be fun to have another ultrasound though...

Anyways, I think I would prefer to have a scheduled overdue delivery date (non-induced) rather than dealing with this waiting game.  Maybe I'll go into labour tonight?  Ha!  Probably not.  Maybe my next post will be a birth announcement?  Ha!  Probably not either.  We shall see!

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