Thursday, October 31, 2013

Update on Nathan

Nathan only has gained 2 oz in the past two days.  For a 'normal' baby (i.e. one that is eating on a regular feeding schedule...not one that is eating every two hours) that is average...but since Nathan is eating more often he was expected to have a larger weight gain.  Dr. Shah's suggestion was that I continue to feed Nathan every two hours around the clock (day and night) for at least another week.  Umm...not possible if I'm expected to function for the next week as feeding Nathan takes one hour, which only gives me one hour in between feedings.

Dr. Shah suspected that I might have low milk production/supply so I've also been given a prescription for domperidone, a drug that increases milk production.

Low milk production/supply, along with a slow flow of milk equals a baby that is not getting enough calories and thus is tired when feeding and thus does not have the energy required to have a good feed.  Not good.

SO...I've given up on nursing (again).  This is the exact same thing that happened with Matthew and Kayla.  If I had a fast flow then it wouldn't take me an hour to feed Nathan and then maybe it would be do-able to feed every two hours...however, that's not the case.

SO...back to my trusty pump I go.  Oh, how I wished I would never have to see it again.  BUT, breast milk is better than formula, so if I can get my supply up so that I don't have to supplement Nathan with formula anymore then it will be financially beneficial.  Ideally, I would like to have my supply way up (as in, I would like my body to think I'm feeding twins again), so that I only have to pump a few times a day to have a full days' supply for Nathan.  We'll see what happens!  I can only do my best!

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