Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Best Buds

Matthew and Kayla are best friends 99.9% of the time.  The other 0.1% is when they let a toy get in between them.  It doesn't happen too often, considering they are ALWAYS playing together or right next to each other.

On Saturday, Jon's sister Leanne asked if they had ever climbed into each other's bed to sleep together, to which I replied, "No."  What do you think they did tonight, for the very first time?  Fell asleep together in Kayla's bed.  I had heard commotion upstairs shortly after they were put to bed and found Matthew beside Kayla.  I told them that if they wanted to sleep in the same bed then three things needed to happen: 1) Matthew needed his own pillow, 2) They had to put some of their stuffed animals away because there wasn't enough room for everything, and 3) They were not allowed to talk anymore.  They struggled for a few minutes with my last demand/request, but are now sleeping peacefully side-by-side.  I'm hoping they don't disturb each other during the night or I may regret allowing them to share a bed in the first place!

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