Tuesday, July 24, 2012


The threatened miscarriage turned out to be a complete miscarriage, just as I suspected it would.  My pain and bleeding was increasing throughout the day, so at 7pm Jon called 8-1-1 to see what the nurses recommended we did - wait it out at home or go to emergency?  They told us to follow our doctor's orders and go to emergency.  I packed up Matthew and Kayla's things so that they could stay the night at my parents (their first sleepover, and my first night away from them!  Ironically, I was just thinking the other day how I had never been apart from them overnight), and Jon and I headed out.  We got to emergency at 7:30, and were sent home at 10:00pm.  In that time I had my vitals taken twice, blood work, an attempt to produce a urine sample (LOL I couldn't pee for the life of me!), an ultrasound, and a needle because I have Rh- blood.  We did a LOT of waiting.  Luckily I have a high pain tolerance because I was definitely not comfortable.  The other patients must have thought I was nuts, shaking my foot while sitting there...for me, movement distracts me from pain.  Anyways, during the ultrasound the doctor said he saw no sign of a baby so he really questioned me as to if my family doctor had actually seen it earlier in the day.  I told him I saw it with my own eyes, and even the heart beating.  He was shocked.  He said that either a) the pregnancy was ectopic (which it wasn't because I had seen the baby in my uterus in the ultrasound, or b) my dates were wrong and it was an early pregnancy (which I knew definitely was not the case) or c) I had already passed the baby.  I was pretty relieved to know that I had been through the worst of it because I must have passed it.  The doctor said that there is still a lot of tissue to expel, so it's not over yet.  I'm hoping I'll be done by tomorrow as this seems to have gone quite quickly.  Maybe future labours (which hopefully there will be, one day!) will be quick too?  

I think I'm doing really well, considering all that I've been through today.  I'm trying to take comfort in the fact that God knows exactly what he's doing, and allows for everything to happen for a reason...but it's hard.  One minute I can think/talk about the miscarriage just fine...and the next minute I get teary eyed about it.  Oh well, I'll get over it.  One of the girls whose blog I follow is just a few weeks ahead of what I was, and she just found out that she has an antibody that will have a terrible affect on her baby.  That made me grateful that that wasn't us.  (But then again, God knows what he's doing, right?).  

Anyways, I should think about getting to bed.  I need to be rested so that I can show Matthew and Kayla some extra loving tomorrow.  Definitely thankful for those two, tonight!  Can't complain when I've been blessed with two great children already :)

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