Friday, July 2, 2010

Check-Up #1

We just got back from our first check-up.

I first had to give some blood. The nurse tried to take it from my right arm but they could only get a few drops. She checked my left arm but my vein didn't look good there either, so she asked if it was okay if she took it from the top of my hand. I told her to do what she needed to do.

After the blood 'donation' I had to have an ultrasound. Turns out that it wasn't a full bladder ultrasound (it was so nice to go pee!). They counted and measured the follicles in my ovaries (in mm):

Right: 13.5, 12.5, 11, 10 (x5), <10 (x2)
Left: 15, 10.5, 10.5, <10 (x3)

I think they want as many to be as close to 20 as possible before they retrieve them. Not quite sure, I'll have to google it.

The doctor said it was looking good. Our medication amounts stay the same (yay! I didn't want them to increase because then it would cost us more $), and I start my Orgalutran injections tonight. That means every night I have two injections. Grr.

While I was giving blood another husband was talking to Jon and he asked Jon if I fainted every time I had to give myself an injection. Jon replied, "no, she's actually pretty good about it". The husband said, "well that makes things easier then!" Poor them!

My stomach is itchy right now, and is a little tender if I lean against it. I also think I'm looking a bit more bloated, or I've gained a little more weight and haven't noticed until this week. Let's hope for the former!

Our next appointment is Sunday morning at 7:30. Traffic was good today because most people took it off so that they could have a long weekend. It's nice that our next appointment is on a Sunday because traffic shouldn't be too bad then. It will be interesting to compare the sizes of the follicles.

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