These early morning check-ups are killing me! Luckily this was the last one! That's right, the last one! The female doctor that measured by follicles was quite impressed. I quote, "we would have been happy with just your right ovary, but we still your left one too!" and "Beautiful!" :)
My follicle measurements (in mm) this visit were:
Right: 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 16, 15.5, 15, 14, <10 (x3)
Left: 20, 16, 15, 14, 13, <10 (x2)
Our egg retrieval is scheduled for 9:00am Thursday morning. We have to check in at 8:00am, get me prepped, and then Jon has to give his semen sample at 8:30am (no pressure! lol). The procedure itself usually only takes about 15 minutes, and they said I should be out of there before noon.
Here's praying that everything goes smoothly and that I have no side effects from the retrieval!
I find I do most of my praying while driving to work, along Harvie Road. This morning I was telling God that "it's all in his Hands" (or was I telling myself that, trying to settle my nerves?). It's going to be a rough few weeks until we find out the results of the blood test (pregnant or not) and then (hopefully?) a nervous couple of months after that until we're in the 2nd trimester. I'm trying to think only one day at a time but it difficult not to get excited and skip ahead.
Jon and Laura, we are praying for you that the retrieval will be successful, and that the outcome will be a healthy pregnancy! Your folicles are looking good, nice and ripe. I'll be thinking of you on Thursday morning.