Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Update on Our Embryos

Here is a summary of what has happened with the follicles that were retrieved:

Of the 13 follicles that were retrieved:
11 had eggs
2 did not have eggs

Of the 11 that had eggs:
10 eggs fertilized
1 egg did not (too immature)

Of the 10 eggs that fertilized:
1 was chosen to be frozen as a Day 3 embryo
2 were transferred into my uterus as Day 3 embryos
7 were left to grow in culture (their lab)

Of the 7 that were left to grow in culture:
1 survived to make it to Day 5 and was frozen
6 died :(

So ya, we have two frozen embryos now: 1 x Day 3 and 1 x Day 5. Kinda disappointing...we were hoping for more! I think only about 50% of frozen embryos survive the thawing process so that would leave us with only one embryo for our next round. My feelings right now, IF we have to do this again would be to do a full IVF cycle again and then freeze those extra embryos, and then IF we have to do it again we would use the frozen embryos. Hopefully we'll be successful this round and won't have to think about this for a while. Hopefully.

We've already had 3 days since the transfer so the embryos should have started implanting, or will be shortly. HOPEFULLY. We're doing really well right now, but I think it's easy because we know that it's not possible to know whether or not this round was a success or not. I think we'll be deathly nervous once it starts getting closer to the blood test.

I actually thought about everything a lot less today then I did yesterday. I'm feeling better each day and so there are fewer reminders from my body about what I just went through. I made the mistake of weighing myself this morning though...not good. I think I've gained about 5 pounds this past month, which I attribute to the water retention I have now as well as not being being allowed to be active. Not that I was overly active before, but a walk every other day does wonders! Oh well, so long as this works!

1 comment:

  1. I've read your complete blog and thank you for keeping us posted. It was very interesting and informative. It was nice seeing you today. We wish you and Jon all the best. We'll keep both of you in our thoughts and prayers.

    Love Uncle Dick & Aunt Jean
