Thursday, July 1, 2010

Injection Days 3 & 4

Injections (PM):
Repronex 75 IU
Bravelle 112 IU

No change from the other days. The redness around the site of injection is usually gone before the next evening, and I've started holding a plastic ice cube to the site of injection right away, and seems to ease the redness and swelling. I've started to feel the side effects of the medication; every now and then throughout the day I have a little bit of cramping. It's super mild and is only there for a few seconds. I have to be careful not to lean against anything with my stomach because it is a bit sore. I'm trying to be optimistic and am telling myself that I am 1/3 of the way done injections...hopefully I don't have to do this for longer than 12 days! I find it's more painful each time. Jon tried to tell me today that I need to inject the medication quicker and I got mad. I was doing it as quick as I could! The most painful part is the actually injection of the medication...sticking the needle in is fine.

Tomorrow morning we have our first appointment since we've started the injections. I'll have a blood test and ultrasound done. I can't remember if it was a full bladder ultrasound being done or an empty bladder...and I was too lazy to call today to find out. I think that it's full bladder, so that they can use my bladder as a reference on the ultrasound screen in finding my ovaries. I'll play it safe and go full bladder. They are going to count how many follicles I have and also measure them to determine if my medication doses are okay. I'm hoping I don't have to go to two shots a day! Wish us luck!

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