Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Injection Day 9 - Last One!

Injections (PM):

This injection had to be taken at 11:00pm SHARP.

BUT...funny (or not so funny) story.

We purchased the hCG this morning when we were at Genesis and they put it on an icepack for in our car "because it was hot outside". I assumed that they didn't want the medication to be in a car above room temperature. When Jon got home, he put the bag on the counter and I left for work. When I came home from work I moved the bag to the kitchen table.

At 9:00pm, Jon decided to read the instructions for the medication. The very first instruction read, "Medication must be kept in fridge." I called the emergency phone number for the nurse at Genesis to see if it mattered that it had been on the counter all day (on the ice pack). She called back to say that yes, it did matter. By this time it was 9:15pm. She had some at her house, in Tsawassen. She asked if we would be able to make it to the McDonald's in Tsawassen for 10:00pm. We drove there (FAST) and picked up the new vial of medication and made it home for 10:30pm. Phew! We almost ruined everything we had done so far!

The syringe came with a super thick and super long needle attached, and so Jon assumed that I would have to use that one. I was freaking out inside! When we met the nurse she explained that there was a smaller needled in the bag that we were supposed to replace with the larger one. Phew! I also was able to ask if it was normal to feel the symptoms of ovulation, and she said "yes". Another phew! My body is reacting to the fact that I have mature follicles, but it won't actually release an egg.

I'm starting to really get worried about the waiting period. I don't know if I'll be able to handle it if it doesn't work. We would have to wait a month before we could try again...which seems like a long time right now, but it also seems like a short amount of time. Sigh. Can't wait for this to all be over!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm so glad that it all worked out!! I'm a bit familiar with that 'waiting period' after my miscarriages. It SUCKS. And my cycles were like 35 days long . . . So here's hoping it WORKS! YAY!!!!!
